Lionel Bumblebee Terms of Use 


Welcome to Lionel the Bumblebee Official Website.

Here you'll find videos, pictures, worksheets, and news about your favorite little Apidae. Be sure to read our Terms of Use before using our website.

Terms of Use

Any video, picture, music, worksheet, service, or product provided to you is owned solely by Antonete and has all rights reserved, (any third party media is owned by their respective parties.) The videos, pictures, music, worksheets, services, and products provided to you cannot be duplicated, reproduced, or in any way tampered. All the content provided to you is intended for your personal and non-commercial use.


 Trademark Notice:

"Kindle, Kindle Fire, Amazon, the Amazon Kindle logo and the Kindle Fire logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates."

Any third party material such as music, pictures, videos, or services provided to you have been used with permission from their respective owners.
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